Resending: Maddierose💐 Wrote a Book!!!🧚🏻‍♀️

Hello Darling,

Happy New Year! I know I've been quiet, but don't worry, I've been a busy little 🐝 working with clients and other things! I hope🎅🏼 was good to you and brought you lots of 🎁!

I have been busy doing stuff, promise!

Most of that stuff was helping Maddierose💐 get her book together in the last couple of weeks! Trust me when I say this - I usually work 10-12 hours a day at something. So, while I might not be writing on Medium or emailing as Teresa J, I am usually writing something, somewhere, for someone🤪

Maddierose💐 has a book out!

It's a sizzling of her cheaty sexploits and other sexy stories mixed in with the homelife that drover her into another man's arms. She talks about her youth, losing her virginity, her first orgasm at 37, and how men have treated her her entire life because of her long red hair and busty figure.

Women won't be surprised by what she says, but for the male reader, you'll get a glimpse into the experiences most women have from the moment they grow breasts. Women like your mother, wife, and daughter.

It is a thick book, but the chapters move fast from the start. Maddierose opens with her first AM sex date and keeps rolling from there. Overall, a very fun and easy read!

I'm also super excited about this one because I helped her get it out the door! I've been Maddierose's💐 writing coach for four years, as well as her editor, and now, I'm her publisher too!

Lol, I hope my head doesn't get too big🤓

I helped her come up with a concept to organize her Medium stories into a book and then we put it up on Amazon! She organized them in order so the reader can follow her affair from the very start, but peppered the flow with her remembrances along the way.

When she started writing she didn't have a plan, and I didn't force one on her. She wrote what she wrote and we worked on that. As she evolved as a writer what I saw was her life's story, and by last fall I mentioned that she should put them together into a book. She'd written enough for a book, anyway.

Once she was happy with the order, I recommended she add a context paragraph at the top of each one so the reader would know where the story fit. The challenge with turning blog posts into a book is they're all meant to stand alone. When they're written out of order but put back together, they need a little connective tissue to join them.

Overall, what she's written is far greater than the sum of its parts. Even if you're familiar with her story, you'll see her in a different light as you follow along.

When Maddierose💐 came to me, she'd not written anything beyond an email in over 35 years. She was worried she wasn't good enough. I told her she was, and here we are! Her first book❤️

Do you want to take a look? You can find the ebook on Amazon in your own country/region. This one goes to -

Let's show Maddierose💐 and me some love! I feel like I'm the book's granny!❤️

Speaking of books!

My own book sales are going well, so I'm happy about that. People are obviously looking to start the New Year with a little strange, and who can blame them?🥳

Products and Services!

My AM Support Package!

This is for the guy who wants it all! It's my hand-holding experience that will see you moved to the front of the line. There's a warranty with some conditions, but it's about as risk-free an investment as you'll get as a cheater. The only thing I don't guarantee is a date.

$216.66 / month

Ultimate Ashley Madison Support Package

Why Choose Us?
💎 Quick Start: No need to waste time learning the ropes. We'll usher you to the front of the line.
💎... Read more

My User Guides!

The ultimate user's guide is now available for $19.99! Thanks to all those who bought them at the new price! 🥹

Seriously, if you want me but don't want to pay for 1:1, buy this book. I put everything I know into it. If you can read, you can DIY the 💩 out of this! ❤️


The Complete Ashley Madison User's Guide

This book combines three user guides into one great book that's cheaper than buying all three. Inside you'll find - ... Read more

The individual guides are priced at $9.99 each, down from $19.99.

The APP!

The Ultimate AM Guide and this app will get you where you want to be! 🦹🏼‍♀️

Profile Revew!

Our profiles get results! Check it out with this $10 discount! Why? Because I love you!



Profile Rewrite & Edit

My profile rewrite and editing service involves reviewing the four main components of your profile and recommending on... Read more

As always, thank you for everything you do!🫡❤️


Your Faery Godmother of Adultery 🧚🏻‍♀️

And please let me know if you have questions or story ideas! I couldn't do this without you!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Your Faery Godmother of Adultery 🧚🏻‍♀️

Author of How to Cheat: Field Notes from an Adulteress and the Complete Ashley Madison User's Guide (both avaliable on Amazon). I write and blog about adultery, which can be like any other relationship. I also support men looking for partners on dating apps, by writing their profiles, advising on their pictures, and helping them with messaging!

Read more from Your Faery Godmother of Adultery 🧚🏻‍♀️

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MY SERVICES MY BLOG Hello Darling, Rainy and cool here today. I've been fighting it, but I might have to start wearing socks again. I hate socks!!! ❤️🌧🧦 From the Mailbag! I had an inquiry from a reader about Ashley Madison that others might have wondered about. DD asked me what the little dots mean when she sends a message to a man she hasn't spoken to before. For those who haven't experienced this, take a look at the image to see what I'm talking about. The dots signify that the man doesn't...

MY SERVICES MY BLOG Hello Darling, *Just so you know, I resend these out to the unopened people. Don't leave me hanging! I know you're busy, but I appreciate you all :-) Fall is underway and Halloween is around the corner! 🍂🎃 I had some computer trouble over the last couple of days, so this is a bit later than planned, but here it finally is! ❤️ A Night in with Sarah: The Importance of Supportive Friendships... Time for a refresh. I recently updated my profile picture, drawing inspiration...